Spotlight: Bound By Forever by MV Kasi
check out the schedule here Bound By Forever by MV Kasi Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 3175 KB Print Length: 47 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Language: English ASIN: B07KDZ9X3G Current Ranking on #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Romance > Historical #5 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Plays #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Plays Brutal, powerful and demanding are the words used to describe him. He is a man who is used to throwing orders and having people follow them without questions. Beautiful, bold and feisty are the ones used to describe her. She is a woman who is used to bending rules and conventions. They haven't met before, but they have always known there are to marry each other because of an age-old tradition. Sparks fly when they finally meet. But will they HATE each other? Or fall in LOVE? It ...